- Windows 10 $getcurrent delete free

- Windows 10 $getcurrent delete free

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- Can I safely delete folder $GetCurrent in Windows 10? - Super User 



Delete $GetCurrent Folder to free up space in Windows 10 update | Microsoft Surface tablet


Server Fault is a question and answer site for system and network administrators. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring disables the first one, what are the specific switches to disable the others you see when you open the UI?

The below didn't work for me from a blog dated , but give it a try before you uninstall:. Later edit: Found a way for Windows 10, tested on 20H2 only.

Please add a comment if it works for previous builds. I needed to disable Windows defender because I installed a software which I modified with orca MSI modification , and defender kind of blocked it. Found this "long" solution on this link. I tested it on Windows 10 version 21H2. It gives me then the following answer, which looks good. Sign up to join this community.

The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more. Ask Question. Asked 4 years, 9 months ago. Modified 1 month ago. Viewed 59k times. Improve this question. Dave M 4, 21 21 gold badges 29 29 silver badges 30 30 bronze badges.

Add a comment. Sorted by: Reset to default. Highest score default Date modified newest first Date created oldest first. This works on WS with PS 5. Improve this answer. Razvan Zoitanu Razvan Zoitanu 1 1 gold badge 9 9 silver badges 26 26 bronze badges. This doesn't appear to work on Win10 tested on v Patrick Bogers Patrick Bogers 21 2 2 bronze badges.

Shasank Shahi Shasank Shahi 1. Just make a new disableDefender. WindowsPrincipal] [Security. IsInRole [Security. I can't downvote, but here's my warning: This script breaks the service completely for me. I'm unable to turn it back on after running the script even after a reboot. Actually there is an update to my post. I did not mention that Windows made it on purpose impossible to turn completely off Windows defender's real time protection, you can only turn off some features like cloud based protection, but it will always remain active somehow, even with this script.

Now I am not saying that its not possible with any kind of malware, kali linux attack or something like that. To answer your question, you should be able to turn it on again manually but the script makes some reboot tasks.

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Windows 10 $getcurrent delete free. Delete $GetCurrent Folder to free up space in Windows 10 1903 update


While Windows 10 upgrades, посетить страницу источник will find the logs about the update process. And also the necessary files to carry it out. And it is precise because this folder contains windows 10 $getcurrent delete free files which are essential for the update.

And after the update, it leaves the data abandoned. When the update is finished installing, this folder is usually released since the information stored in it is no longer necessary. But, sometimes these files are not deleted, and over time they can take up enough space on our hard drive, space that we could entirely have released. Deleting this folder has no negative impact on our computerbut rather the opposite.

In addition to being safe to delete it, since it only saves нажмите для продолжения files, free space can make our free work better, and windows 10 $getcurrent delete free can use it to keep other types of data on our PC. The problem is that Microsoft does not make it easy for us to delete this folder. It contains the installation files and log files for the latest update.

However, you still need to upgrade the drivers and service packs on Windows 10 with the Windows Update. To delete this folder, the first thing we must do is show the hidden folders inside our hard drive. Most likely, windows 10 $getcurrent delete free folder takes up enough space on our hard drive. We can check the space it occupies merely by clicking on it with the right button and selecting the properties option.

Now that we have the folder insight, we can delete it. Windows 10 will not put any impediment to do so, nor will we have problems with permissions. When it is deleted we can free up enough space on our hard drive. Windows will recreate this folder when you need it and save files in it.

Although, it is likely that from now on you will delete the files without problems. Hope you like the information. I write about technology, marketing and digital tips. You can reach me at kamransharief gmail. In the digital age, tons of data are being frre by every $gecurrent every second… Read More. Selling your old Delets phones can be a great way to get extra cash. However,… Read More.

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Windows 10 $getcurrent delete free.What Is the $Windows.~WS Folder and Can I Delete It?

    Jan 07,  · Another option would be to use a batch file. Copy and paste the following lines into Notepad and save as Delete Windows_WS and Windows_ Double-click Delete Windows_WS and Windows_ to delete the folders. Do . Jul 10,  · Windows should automatically delete these files to free up space after ten days in the Anniversary Update, or thirty days if your PC hasn’t upgraded to the Anniversary Update yet. Can You Delete It, and How? RELATED: Is It Safe to . Feb 22,  · Source: Microsoft (Image credit: Source: Microsoft). Windows 11 is now generally available as an update for eligible Windows 10 PCs. Microsoft is taking a measured and phased approach to the.


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